Power on Me
Dietary supplement and health
On the special occasion On full moon day. One of our students,Ms. Shreenithi gave a wonderful speech on dietary supplements and health.Dietary supplements are essential for our day-to-day life.Mostly it […]
BNYS student talks about Vitamins and Dietary Supplements
Healing Moon's Healthy Evening Session (Power on me) was engaged by our medical college student Ms. Shreenithi on - Vitamins and Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplements are the products consumed orally that's intended […]
Healing Moon’s Healthy Evening Session
A special speech on 'Oil Bath' was given by Ms. Dharshika from Sona medical College of naturopathy and yoga where she mentioned the procedures of oil bath and the significance […]
A student is delivering a talk on juice fasting at today’s ‘Power On Me’ event
Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and Yoga Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and Yoga,, Salem, Tamil nadu, IndiaOur Student is delivering a talk on ‘Full Moon Salutation’ at ‘Power On Me’ event
Sai rithesh gave the welcome address and presented the introduction of chandranamaskar , difference between chandranamaskar and Surya namaskar , benefits of moon light . Abinesh and Anuprakash demonstrated […]