On the special occasion of International happiness day, an energetic speech was given by Ms. Bhavadharani from Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and Yoga. The main aim is to make people around the world realize the importance of happiness within their lives. The theme of 2022 is built-back happiness. She gave tips to be happy […]
Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and yoga celebrates Down Syndrome day on March 21 followed by a wonderful speech given by Ms. Leena Legitha. The theme was 'Inclusion means'. Just one extra chromosome makes one extraordinary child was very clearly explained.
'Save forest and Forest will save us' is a beautiful quote. A special speech was given by Ms. Rathnapriya and this made the spectators know the importance of Forest in the health of the universe and people.
Sona College of Technology
Sona College of Technology, Junction main road, Salem, Tamil nadu, India
Sona Medical College celebrated its 2nd Batch Freshers Day on 28th March 2022 . The highlights of the event were the enlightening and inspirational speeches by the most renowned and senior most naturopathy practitioner in India, Vice-chancellor of Periyar University and Managing Director of Neuro Foundation along with the Chairman of The Sona Group of […]
Induction training is a form of introduction for new students in order to enable them to do their academic activities in a new college within an Institution. As a form of systematic training, induction training familiarises new students with their faculities and induction design. From Sona Group of institutions, human resource development, Induction training is […]
Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and Yoga not just focuses on Academics but also lets our students be physically active by encouraging Sports.1st Annual sports Meet 2021-22, was a grand success with the almost full active participation of our students. We conducted various physical and mental activities in which they won many awards and prizes! […]
"YOGA FOR HUMANITY" We are proud and happy to announce that we celebrated International Day of Yoga-2022 at Sona group of institutions in The Valliappa Block, which is The Tallest Building in Salem with our students and Doctors. Students of SMCNY actively participated and celebrated IDY 2022. Wishing you all a very Happy IDY-2022
Sona College of Technology
Sona College of Technology, Junction main road, Salem, Tamil nadu, India
Sona created a way for a healthier lifestyle! Sona Group of Institutions celebrated International Yoga Day today at their campus. Thousands of students participated in the event and practiced yoga. We feel immense pleasure to have the Honorable Health and Family Welfare Minister of Tamil Nadu Mr.Ma.Subramanian, District collector of Salem Mr. Karmegam, MLA Mr.Rajendran, […]
Sona College of Technology
Sona College of Technology, Junction main road, Salem, Tamil nadu, India
The Sona family celebrated India's 74th Republic Day with great enthusiasm. Students and Faculties observed the national flag hoisting ceremony. The occasion involved a special cultural programme and various performance acts and our students showcased their talent and enthusiasm with a yoga dance performance to commemorate India's rich culture and history. It was an incredible opportunity […]
Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and Yoga
Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and Yoga,, Salem, Tamil nadu, India
Freshers day is a very special day where new faces start their new journey and raise a toast to themselves with their seniors. Sona Medical College of Naturopathy and Yoga celebrated the Freshers Day on March 8, 2023. The day was filled with colourful emotions. Our honourable Chief Guest, Dr.Naveen Visweswaraih, one of the best […]